Optimised preventative maintenance
We helped a client optimise preventative maintenance by analysing coolant consumption.
For mine operators, maintenance costs can impact heavily on the bottom line. To keep maintenance costs to a minimum – and avoid potentially unnecessary vehicle downtime – it’s important to ensure that vehicles are only scheduled for servicing when required. And for one particular client, identifying when preventative maintenance needed to happen was becoming very challenging.
To provide greater visibility into the client’s servicing requirements, our team of energy measurement and verification experts decided to examine the coolant consumption rates across its fleet. We developed a special analysis report that allowed us to determine which trucks were using more coolant than average vehicles of the same model, or using more than the average coolant for the entire fleet. We were able to do this by leveraging the data from AdaptIO, VERIDAPT’s flow computer, and its ability to allocate dispense rates to vehicles and equipment by group and category. We were therefore able to identify any vehicles that were having mechanical issues and required maintenance.
Our report identifying coolant consumption rates gave our client a very useful tool to improve their preventative maintenance scheduling. It enables the client to more suitably schedule preventative maintenance, thus saving money by identifying and fixing problems earlier before they do major damage or become even more costly.